Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Jackie Mason: Obama Insults Bibi Instead of ISIS

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/03/Jackie-Mason.jpg
Jackie Mason
Jackie Mason
Legendary comic and “ultimate Jew” Jackie Mason blasted Barack Obama’s reaction to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, by claiming the president saves his ire for Israel istead of Islamic terrorists.
Mason was speaking with host Aaron Klein of “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990. WND obtained a copy of the audio before it aired.
Aaron Klein said, “We had the Obama administration waging a war against Bibi. … You would think [Netanyahu] was coming to America to plot attacks against the U.S. government or something, to plot some extremely evil plan that he wanted to unfold against the United States and the western countries based on the way the White House was reacting. And yet he came to warn against Jihad; he came to warn against Iran. What do you think about Obama’s war against Bibi for coming to a joint session of Congress?”
“It’s unbelievable. It’s unimaginable,” said Mason. “Everybody calls Israel the greatest ally America ever had. Every day you read in every paper, from every announcement, from every side of every party, that the greatest ally America has in the Middle East, that protects our interests in the Middle East, and representing only democracy in the Middle East; and as they’re praising them, you always hear from the president: ‘Bibi gets on my nerves, and this country gets on my nerves, and the settlements get on my nerves.’
“Everybody howls that [Israel] is the best thing America ever discovered, that they protect America’s interests more than anybody. You would think, like you say, that America is their greatest enemy you would never know that they’re friends. Because when [Obama] talks about it he can’t say ‘Islamic terrorist’ because the word Islam offends him, and the word terrorist disturbs him.
“So he can’t find anything bad to say about ISIS while they’re killing people by the thousands all over the world. But Israel, which is the greatest ally, he finds easy ways to say to say the worst. Every negative thought and every negative word [Obama] can think of, he saves only for Israel and for Netanyahu. When Netanyahu came here, [Obama] was hiding from him. Every time he saw him, he was talking negative things about him. Every time the microphone was off he was abusing him.
“And you can’t figure out if this is the greatest ally and the greatest enemy at the same time. To the whole country [Netanyahu] is the greatest ally, to [Obama] it’s the worst problem he ever had. He can’t tolerate him, he can’t stand him, he can’t talk to him. Everybody was praising the speech – brilliant, fantastic – you know what [Obama] said? ‘Ehhh, it’s nothing. Nothing new, nothing new.’ Who says it has to be new? If I’m telling you, ‘Watch out, there’s a fire,’ and you’re not listening to me, so I have to repeat it again, do I have to say something new? I have to say, ‘Watch out, there’s a fire, I told you this before and you wasn’t listening so I’m telling you again.’ Does it have to be new? It wouldn’t have to be new if you were listening in the first place.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/03/jackie-mason-obama-insults-bibi-instead-of-isis/#oRGcAofY9L3JAWIO.99

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